Open Enrollment 2025
Additional Benefits
IMRF Voluntary Additional Contributions
Provider: Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF)
Customer Service: www.imrf.org | 1-800-ASK-IMRF (1-800-275-4673)
Employees participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) can increase their contributions at any time throughout the year using the Voluntary Additional Contribution (VAC) program. This option is a way to help you save additional retirement income. When you enroll in VAC, you choose to make additional, after-tax contributions to an individual VAC account that earns interest. You can download a VAC form from the IMRF website or request it from Human Resources.
To learn more about the VAC option, click on the link if you are a Tier 1 or Tier 2 member. If your first participation date in IMRF or any Reciprocal System (except for Judges' Retirement System and the General Assembly Retirement System) is prior to January 1, 2011 you are in Tier 1. If your first participation date is January 1, 2011 or later, you are in Tier 2.
Deferred Compensation
Administrator: MissionSquare Retirement (formerly known as ICMA-RC)
Customer Service: Contact Us | MissionSquare | 1-800-669-7400 | 1-800-669-7471 (TTD)
ICMA-RC has re-branded to MissionSquare Retirement!
A 457 Deferred Compensation plan is designed to supplement your retirement income. Pre-tax contributions you make reduce your taxable income for the year. These contributions and all associated earnings are then not subject to tax until you withdraw them. For more information, see: 457(b) Deferred Compensation Retirement Plans | MissionSquare
An Individualized Retirement Account (IRA) complements your primary retirement plan and offers tax benefits, flexibility, additional investment choices, and more. For more information, visit: IRAs (Roth and Traditional) | MissionSquare
Credit Union
Provider: Urbana Municipal Employees Credit Union (UMECU)
Contact: www.umecu-urbana.com/ | (217) 337-0240 | umecu@umecunion.com
1606 N. Willow View Rd., Suite 1-O (Willow Springs), Urbana, Illinois 61802
UMECU is open Monday- Friday, 9am- 3pm (open through lunch), after hours by appointment
How to Join
Applications are available in Human Resources or at the Credit Union office. Minimum amount required to open an account is $5.00. $5.00 will be deposited into your share account. Share accounts require a minimum balance of $5.00 to keep the account open.
Types of loans offered
Unsecured loans up to $7,500
New and used car loans
Other titled vehicles
Loans secured by your own shares
Payday alternative loans (PAL)
Christmas Club Accounts
Christmas club accounts run October 1 through September 30 of the following year. Accounts may be started anytime and be payroll deducted. You may sign up at the Credit Union office or in Human Resources.